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7th District GOB Caucus for 2024


This year our caucus was in Spooner, WI. A long 3-hour drive for the delegates from Juneau County but a good experience by a well-organized event. Speakers Tom Tiffany, Eric Hovde and Brad Schimel along with many others were well received. We had debate on several Resolutions including replacing Robin Voss as Assembly Speaker.  The 7th District took it out and we voted to put it back into the list of passed Resolutions.  A Resolution calling for term limits failed and was taken out, a moratorium of foreign purchases of Wisconsin real property was discussed and remains a Resolution, a resolution to move the August primary earlier by two months passed and remains a Resolution and a resolution recommending no endorsement of a candidate until after a primary failed and was taken out of the list of resolutions. All other Resolutions were passed with one vote. We voted for Len Boltz from Sawyer County, Rose Marie Labarbera from Clark County and Matt rust from St. Croix to be delegates at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. If you have never attended a caucus before, think about it for next year and watch this website and our Facebook Page for 2025 dates.

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