At GOP Juneau County, we believe in the power of community and bringing people together. By hosting or sponsoring a GOP event you can help us spread our message and connect with like-minded individuals. Contact us for more information on how to get started!
Join our team of volunteers and help us make a difference in Juneau County. Even a little bit of your time can make a big contribution to our mission. We need volunteers to help with door-to-door canvassing, phone calls to support our candidates, raising funds and to get the word out at local events. There are many ways to get involved and make an impact such as attending local meetings to keep watch on school and County board activities, signing up to be a poll watcher or worker and running for local offices. Contact us to learn more about volunteer opportunities or commit today by sending us an email!
Contact us at GOPjuneau.co.wi@protonmail.com
Shop GOP Merchandise
Purchase hats and shirts at our headquarters in New Lisbon, 304 S. Adams St. OPEN whenever the yellow "open" flag is outside.
Donate to GOP Juneau County
By making a donation to GOP Juneau County, you can help us make a difference in our community and support our efforts to promote Republican values. Your donation will help us fund upcoming events, maintain our website, help conservative candidates and more.
Thank you for your support!

To mail in a donation:
Download donation form here and mail to:
Juneau County Republican Party
P. O. Box 76
New Lisbon, WI 53950
Donate online with Paypal

February 18, 2025 - Primary Election
April 1, 2025 - General Election
Get voting information at myvote.wi.gov
EMAIL GOPjuneau.co.wi@protonmail.com to volunteer!
We need volunteers throughout 2025 to help with Brad Schimel's campaign, events and campaigning. Contact us for details.
STEP UP to run for local offices. We are looking for fiscally responsible candidates for County Board positions, School Board and local offices. We will help you get on the ballot, train you in campaigning techniques and help you with resources. BE ACTIVE, STOP WASTEFUL SPENDING and FLEECING OF JUNEAU COUNTY TAXPAYERS.
Upcoming Events
- Sat, Feb 15New Lisbon