My (Ken Van Doren's) take on the convention. Went to the hospitality suites Friday night, met a few old friends, made a few new ones. More young people than I thought would be there and at the convention (GOOD) but then again, from my perspective almost everyone there was young. BORING is he only word for most of the business portion. UNITY was the theme, I suppose a good one, but I wonder just how sincere they were in espousing that? Some, esp the MC were too long winded, and redundant. Not only that, but they also repeated things. (JK) As expected Hovde got the endorsement. I am not entirely thrilled with that, as he made his fortune on owning a hedge fund that specializes in banks. Hedge funds and derivatives which they are, CAUSED the meltdown of 08-09, and banksters create money out of nothing, depreciating the value of the dollar as the Hovde's of the world grow rich. BUT that said, I liked most of his message from both 2012 and this year. I am sure he will put out some great ads. I just wonder if he can overcome the FAT CAT image that the Dem's will paint of him? The UNITY theme might have been furthered had they given Rejani a few minutes to make her case for her candidacy. THAT would have made her and her supporters feel more involved, more committed to UNITY! I left at 3PM to fulfil family obligations, as we had not even started the meat of the business portion (resolutions, RNC delegates, and a couple other things.) I suspect again, they ran out the clock to keep from addressing these uncomfortable (to the establishment) issues. Bob Simonds and Richard Huth were the only other local attendees.
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